************************* The CAGS Metadata Schema ************************* Project level metadata ====================== The **Project-level Metadata** level is related to the main CAGS interface website from which metadata are harvested through the online submission form. It collects metadata (derived and expended from Dublin Core metadata) which incorporates a number of descriptive and resource discovery focused elements describing either a scientific communication, a notebook and a dataset independently or jointly. Tables below are extracted from the database and generated by MySQL Workbench Model Documentation v1.0.0 - Copyright (c) 2015 Hieu Le Table: ``abiotic`` ------------------ Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +----------+----------------------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | Metadata level | Dublin Core | INSPIRE | | | | | | | compatibility | compatibility | +==========+========================================+==============+============+================+===============+===============+ | soil | | [1,n] | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +----------+----------------------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | water | Triggered infiltration test: Yes/No | [1,n] | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +----------+----------------------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | land_use | | [1,n] | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +----------+----------------------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ Table: ``biotic`` ----------------- Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +----------+----------------------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | Metadata level | Dublin Core | INSPIRE | | | | | | | compatibility | compatibility | +==========+========================================+==============+============+================+===============+===============+ | species | | [1,n] | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +----------+----------------------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | organ | | [1,n] | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +----------+----------------------------------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ Table: ``contact`` ------------------ Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +--------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | Metadata level | Dublin Core | INSPIRE | | | | | | | compatibility | compatibility | +==============+=============+==============+============+================+===============+===============+ | name | | [1] | Mandatory | project | NONE | NONE | +--------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | surname | | [1] | Mandatory | project | NONE | NONE | +--------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | organisation | | [1,n] | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +--------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | email | | | Mandatory | project | NONE | NONE | +--------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ Table: ``main`` --------------- Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | Metadata level | Dublin Core | INSPIRE | | | | | | | compatibility | compatibility | +=================+=============+==============+============+================+===============+===============+ | contrib_type | | [1] | Mandatory | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | contrib_title | | [1] | Mandatory | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | contrib_date | | [1,n] | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | contrib_authors | | | Mandatory | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | DOI | | | Mandatory | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | journal | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | icon_img | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | keywords | | | Mandatory | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ Table: ``processing`` --------------------- Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +-------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | Metadata level | Dublin Core | INSPIRE | | | | | | | compatibility | compatibility | +===================+=============+==============+============+================+===============+===============+ | software_name | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | licence_type | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | DOI_software | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | notebook_filename | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | notebook_purpose | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | data_repo_url | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | data_licence | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-------------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ Table: ``prospection`` ---------------------- Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | Metadata level | Dublin Core | INSPIRE | | | | | | | compatibility | compatibility | +=================+=============+==============+============+================+===============+===============+ | datep | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | lat | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | longitude | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | method | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | spatial_scale | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | bound_cond | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | temperature | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | temporal_scale | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | instrument | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | dimension | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ | permanent_setup | | | Optional | project | NONE | NONE | +-----------------+-------------+--------------+------------+----------------+---------------+---------------+ File-level geophysical metadata =============================== The **File-level Metadata** level collector is a gui designed to help with the initial preparation of one geophysical dataset. Starting from one or multiple input directories, a cleanly structured output directory is generated (without deleting any input files). Generate suitable metadata from user input and write this metadata into the directory structure, making it ready for further distribution. `geophysical Metadata Management using a Juypter Notebook `_ Tables below are extracted from the database and generated by MySQL Workbench Model Documentation v1.0.0 - Copyright (c) 2015 Hieu Le Table: ``report`` ----------------- Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Metadata describing general information about the contribution. This table has overlapping field with project level metadata (see column CAGS Metadata level) Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +------------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | CAGS Metadata level | Dublin Core (ArchSearch) | INSPIRE Directive | Data type | Attributes | Default | +==================+==========================================+=================+===============+=========================+=============================+======================+==============+===============+============+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Report_title | Sort title description of the dataset | [1] | Mandatory | File level | | | | Unique | | +------------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Report_author | Reporting authors names | [1,n] | Mandatory | File & project level | | | | Unique | | +------------------+------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ Table: ``survey`` ----------------- .. _description-1: Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Metadata describing one to multiple survey(s). The survey table is inspired from \`Archaeology Data Service / Digital Antiquity Guides to Good Practice `\_ For multiple acquisitions the number n must be unchanged between the different fields. For example, if date of time of measurement contains 2 values, the electrode configuration must contain n columns describing the configuration used. .. _columns-1: Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | CAGS | Dublin Core (ArchSearch) | INSPIRE Directive | Data type | Attributes | Default | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Metadata level | | | | | | +====================+==========================================================================+=================+===============+=====================+===============================+========================+================+===============+============+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Survey_type | Choose acronyms describing the survey type (refer to CAGS glossary) | [1,n] | Mandatory | File level | Resource Type | | | Unique | | +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Instruments | Name of the instrument(s) | [1,n] | Mandatory | File level | | | | | NULL | +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Choice_survey | Text explaining shortly the motivation of using the method(s) | [1,n] | Optional | File level | | | | | NULL | +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Area | Total surface investigated (m2) | [1,n] | Optional | File level | | | | | NULL | +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Add_remarks | Free text for additional remarks | [1] | Optional | File level | | | | | NULL | +--------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+------------------------+----------------+---------------+------------+ Table: ``ERT metadata`` ---------------------- .. _description-2: Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Metadata describing one to multiple (n) ERT surveys. For multiple acquisitions the number n must be unchanged between the different fields. For example, if date of time of measurement contains 2 values, the electrode configuration must contain n columns describing the configuration used. .. _columns-3: Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | CAGS | Dublin Core (ArchSearch) | INSPIRE Directive | Data type | Attributes | Default | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Metadata level | | | | | | +=================+============================================+=================+===============+===================+=============================+======================+==============+===============+============+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Date_measure | Date(s) of the measurement (dd/mm/aaaa) | [n] | Mandatory | File level | | | | Unique | | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Time_measure | Time(s) of the measurement (hh:mm) | [m,n] | Mandatory | File level | | | | | NULL | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Elec_conf | Electrode configuration | [m,n] | Optional | File level | | | | | NULL | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Elec_spacing | Electrode spacing | [m,n] | Optional | File level | | | | | NULL | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ Table: ``EM metadata`` ---------------------- .. _description-3: Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Metadata describing one to multiple (n) EM surveys. For multiple acquisitions the number n must be unchanged between the different fields. For example, if date of measurements contains 2 values, the coil configuration must contain n columns and m lines describing the coil configuration used. .. _columns-4: Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | CAGS | Dublin Core (ArchSearch) | INSPIRE Directive | Data type | Attributes | Default | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Metadata level | | | | | | +==================+=======================================================================+=================+===============+===================+=============================+======================+==============+===============+============+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Date_measure | Date(s) of the measurement (dd/mm/aaaa) | [1,n] | Mandatory | File level | | | | Unique | | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Coil_conf | Coil configuation | [m,n] | Optional | File level | | | | | NULL | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Read_interval | If automatic time sampling, time steps between different reading | [m,n] | Optional | File level | | | | | NULL | +------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+---------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ Table: ``data quality assessment metadata`` ------------------------------------------- .. _description-4: Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _columns-5: Columns: ~~~~~~~~ +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Column | Description | Multiplicity | Obligation | CAGS | Dublin Core (ArchSearch) | INSPIRE Directive | Data type | Attributes | Default | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Metadata level | | | | | | +==============================+============================================================+=================+============================================+===================+=============================+======================+==============+===============+============+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Peer_reviewed | True if the dataset has been peer-reviewed | [1] | Mandatory | File level | | | | Unique | | +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Peer_reviewer_contact | Contact of reviewer | [1,n] | Mandatory only if peer_reviewed is True | | | | | Unique | NULL | +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Replicate_datasets | Number of replicates datasets | [1,n] | Optional | | | | | | NULL | +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Comparison_ref_data | The dataset has been compared with reference datasets | [1,n] | Optional | | | | | | NULL | +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | Ref_data | DOI of reference dataset | [1,n] | Optional | | | | | | NULL | +------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+----------------------+--------------+---------------+------------+ .. _section-1: Table: ``sampling`` ------------------- .. _description-5: Description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _columns-6: Columns: ~~~~~~~~ ================= ===== ======== ========== Sampling position [1,n] Optional File level ================= ===== ======== ========== .. _section-2: