Add a contribution

Thanks to users feedback the form is improving bit by bit. Please comment for missing information that you would consider relevant to highlight your contribution.

If you want to report any problem please open an issue into the catalog-github: report an issue

Contact details

Contribution details

Survey description

Please indicate the location where the data were collected or the location of your laboratory location for synthetic and lab studies. This location will be displayed in the interactive map on the catalog website.

Temperature correction
Permanent setup*

Processing tools

Please indicate your processing tools

Biotic description

Abiotic description

Ancillary measurements

Companion notebook

Once you have completed the form you can attach a notebook to the mail to be sent (.ipynb) file. Please specify below what the notebook does.

Companion dataset

Something missing? please add a comment

You can now:

  • send the form via email
  • attach any cover picture or notebook (.ipynb) to it. Please let us know if you need to Licence your cover picture.
  • Please keep the subject line and keep the CSV string as it is.